Q Bibliography

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Heil, Christoph, Gertraud Harb, and Daniel A. Smith. “Introduction.” Pages 1-22 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: [None].

Heil, Christoph, Gertraud Harb, and Daniel A. Smith. “Einleitung.” Pages 23-46 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: [None].

Kloppenborg, John S. “Oral and Literate Contexts for the Sayings Gospel Q.” In Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: [None].

Smith, Daniel A. “From Parable to Logion: Oral and Scribal Factors in the Composition of Q.” Pages 73-97 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Development of Q.

Bazzana, Giovanni B. “Village Scribes behind Q: The Social and Political Profile of the Sayings Gospel in Light of Documentary Papyri.” Pages 99-120 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Q Community.

Derrenbacker, Robert A. Jr. “Orality and Scribality in Q: A Response to the Papers of John S. Kloppenborg, Giovanni B. Bazzana, and Daniel A. Smith.” Pages 121-127 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Q Community.

Labahn, Michael. “Sinn im Sinnlosen: Hermeneutische und narratologische Überlegungen zu Q.” Pages 131-173 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Genre.

Witetschek, Stephan. “Was erzählen die Logien? Zur narrativen Dimension von Q.” Pages 175-192 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Genre.

Roth, Dieter T. “Die Parabeln in der Logienquelle: „Alte‟ Probleme und „Neue‟ Ansätze.” In Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: [None].

Dormeyer, Detlev. “Narrativität und Theologie der Wunder in Q.” Pages 213-230 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Genre.

Johnson, Steven R. “The Ask, Seek and Knock Motifs in Early Jesus Movement Literature.” In Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: [None].

Judge, Peter J. “The Beatitude for the Persecuted (Q 6,22-23).” Pages 259-280 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Reconstructing Q.

Ehling, Kay. “Vögel als Lebensmittel für Jesus und die Jünger: Anmerkungen zu Q 12,6a.” Pages 281-288 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Reconstructing Q.

Fleddermann, Harry T. “The Lost Coin (Luke 15,8-10).” Pages 289-322 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Reconstructing Q, Extent of Q, Q and Luke.

Rothschild, Clare K. “The Ethic of Food Moderation in the Diasporanovelle and Q.” Pages 325-346 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: [None].

Tiwald, Markus. “Die bleibende Gültigkeit der Tora nach Q 16.” Pages 347-363 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Torah.

Foster, Paul. “Q, Jewish Christianity, and Matthew's Gospel.” Pages 367-408 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Israel/Gentiles, Q and Matthew.

Frenschkowski, Marco. “Matthäus als Gewährsmann der Logienquelle: Neues zu einer alten Theorie.” Pages 409-439 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Q and Matthew.

Tuckett, Christopher M. “Q and the Gospel of Matthew: A Response to the Papers of Paul Foster and Marco Frenschkowski.” Pages 441-463 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Q and Matthew.

Theobald, Michael. “Das Johanneevangelium und Q: Wie groß ist ihre gemeinsame Schnittmenge und wie erklärt sie sich?” Pages 467-495 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Q and the Rest of the New Testament.

Zimmermann, Ruben. “Q und das Johannesevengelium: Methodische Vorüberlegungen und intertextuelle Beobachtungen.” Pages 497-514 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Q and the Rest of the New Testament.

Siegert, Folker. “Von der Zwei- zur Vier-Quellen-Hypothese: Vorschlag für ein vollständiges Stemma der Evangelienüberlieferungen.” Pages 517-548 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Synoptic Problem.

MacDonald, Dennis R. “How Many Controversies Appeared in Q? A Radical Expansion of the Lost Synoptic Source.” Pages 549-562 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: Extent of Q.

Hensle-Wlasak, Helga. “Das „Q‟ einmal anders: Eine Initiale aus dem Vierfach-Psalter der Universitätsbibliothek Graz.” Pages 563-572 in Built on Rock or Sand: Q Studies: Retrospects, Introspects and Prospects. Edited by Christoph Heil and Gertraud Harb. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. Tags: [None].

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